Frequently Asked Questions

Pattern Imprinted Concrete Specialists operating in the Midlands and surrounding areas.

How long does it take?

The length of time it takes to carry out an imprint concrete driveway installation will depend on a number of factors such as the preparation work required and the size of the driveway. When you choose Concrete Imprint Driveways, we’ll provide an estimated time frame for completion.

What are the benefits of Imprinted Concrete?

Imprint concrete drives are one of the most popular concrete surface options on the market. We’ve put our heads together and come up with some of the main benefits of imprinted concrete, which are:

  • Highly durable
  • Low maintenance
  • Range of pattern options
  • A number of colours to choose from
  • High quality appearance
What do I need to know about the maintenance?

One of the great things about imprint concrete driveways is they are virtually maintenance free and will require very little work to keep them looking great all year round. There’s no need to worry about imprinted concrete driveway problems either as when maintained correctly your driveway will stay looking great for many years to come. We’ll provide the best advice and guidance on maintaining your driveway.

What Imprint Concrete Colours do you offer?

We offer a vast range of colour options such as lawn green, red brick, plum and many more. One of our design consultants will discuss the colour options available when you enquire about an imprint concrete driveway.

Why should I have a new patio installed?

Patios are a fantastic way to create a new outdoor living space for your family or entertaining space for guests. A new patio will offer a range of fantastic benefits some of which are:

  • Multifunctional outdoor space
  • Low maintenance area
  • Aesthetically appealing look
  • Non slip surface area
  • Space to use all year round
What depth do you lay the Concrete?

On a driveway and patio the concrete is installed to a depth of 100mm. The concrete is fibre reinforced and air entrained.

How deep do you dig down?

On a driveway we dig down 200mm. On a patio it’s 150mm.

Why does the weather affect the installation of concrete?

Concrete should never be installed when the temperature drops below 3 centigrade in the daytime or below -1 centigrade at night as it can affect the durability and strength of the concrete. We also never install pattern imprinted concrete when rain or showers are forecast as it will impair the finish of the concrete imprint.

Is Pattern Imprinted Concrete Slippy?

Pattern imprinted concrete can be slippy when installers finish their project with a high gloss sealant and no anti-slip is added. We finish our projects to a satin finish and anti-slip is added to the sealant for maximum grip.

How often will I need a reseal on my Driveway / Patio

This all depends on wear and tear but we recommend every 30 to 36 months. We include a discounted Reseal with all of our installations.

How much does an Imprint Concrete driveway cost?

This will depend entirely on the size of your current space and whether it’s a new or replacement drive. There is no imprinted concrete driveways average cost and all quotes are completely unique to ensure our customers receive the best deal. We’ll discuss with you the colour and patterns and will work out your driveway on a square metre basis to ensure an accurate free, no obligation quote is provided.

Who will remove my old patio?

When you choose Concrete Imprint Driveways for a replacement patio, we can remove your old one for you. This allows us to carry out the appropriate preparation work and dispose of materials in the correct way. For more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

How do I look after my garden patio?

Patios are a low maintenance area that will stay looking great with very little care. Regular sweeping and the off hosing down will help to keep your patio clean. Should any dirt or grime build up over time then you could always consider a jet wash or patio cleaner to bring the life back into it.

How do I maintain my Imprinted Concrete Patio?

Every installation is different, but the average driveway takes about a week depending on weather. Every installation is different, but the average driveway takes about a week depending on weather. Every installation is different, but the average driveway takes.

Need assistance? We’re here to help. Contact our friendly team and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have.